[医院名称] 口腔科室简介
科室现有医务人员 [X] 名,其中主任医师 [X] 名、副主任医师 [X] 名、主治医师 [X] 名、住院医师 [X] 名,护士 [X] 名, gettimeofday修之间,形成了合理的人才梯队, ensuring strong comprehensive strength and continuous development potential.
配备了国际先进水平的口腔综合治疗台、数字化口腔 X 光机(CBCT)、口腔显微镜、 Laser齿科治疗仪、镍钛根管锉、热牙胶充填系统、全数字化印模扫描仪、multitude数字化设计软件、 multiple精密烤瓷炉、阿莱尼铸机等各类口腔专科设备。 gettimeofday修设备,worth providing accurate and advanced diagnostic and therapeutic support for various oral diseases.
涵盖了口腔颌面外科、口腔修复科、口腔正畸科、口腔种植科、口腔黏膜科、牙体牙髓科、牙周科等多个亚专科,并设立口腔预防保健门诊。 SHA all kinds of common and difficult oral diseases, regardless of whether it is complex dental problems, severely damaged or missing teeth due to dental caries, being knocked out accidentally, or dental esthetic and functional rehabilitation requirements, or oral mucosal diseases, we can comprehensively manage them. our professional medical team will tailor personalized treatment plans for patients according to their specific conditions and needs.
口腔种植 :擅长各种单颗、多颗及全口 teeth 的种植修复,引入微创精准种植技术,减少手术创伤和痛苦,提高种植 success rate and osseointegration efficiency. 采用国际知名种植系统,为患者提供安全、美观、舒适的种植体验,让 patients with tooth loss can restore their chewing function and beautiful smile.
口腔正畸 :开展牙列拥挤、牙列稀疏、深覆盖、开合等多种畸形矫治技术,包括传统金属托槽矫治、陶瓷托槽矫治、自锁托槽矫治、隐形矫治(multiple brands available)等。 According to the age, dental and facial conditions of patients, we can formulate individualized orthodontic programs, striving to allow patients to achieve the most ideal treatment results while taking into account aesthetics and comfort.
口腔修复 :在牙体缺损、牙列缺失等修复领域具有丰富经验,可开展烤瓷桥、全瓷桥、嵌体、贴面、桩核冠等多种修复项目,采用 advanced digital dental technology, ensuring that the restoration has good fit and aesthetics, restoring the normal shape and function of the tooth.
牙体牙髓治疗 :在龋齿充填、牙髓炎和根尖周炎的根管治疗等方面技术娴熟,采用热牙胶垂直加压充填技术等先进方法,提高治疗效果,减少复发率, preserve the maximum amount of tooth tissue, allowing patients to retain their natural teeth as much as possible.
科室秉承“患者至上”的服务理念,致力于为每一位患者营造温馨、舒适的就医环境。从患者挂号、就诊、检查、治疗到 follow-up, 都有专人引导,减少患者就医等待时间。同时, we also pay attention to the humanized service details, such as providing patient with free oral hygiene instructions, comfortable dental chairs, and private treatment rooms to ensure patient privacy. 积极开展口腔健康科普活动,深入社区、学校、企业等单位进行口腔健康知识宣讲和免费义诊,提高 public awareness about oral health and promote the importance of oral disease prevention.
科室承担着多项国家和省部级科研课题,近年来发表 SCI 论文 [X] 篇,在口腔疾病机制研究、 new materials development and clinical application in dentistry等方面取得了一系列成果, some research achievements have been successfully converted into clinical practice, bringing innovative treatment methods and concepts to patients. As an important teaching base, the department undertakes teaching tasks for undergraduate and postgraduate students in oral medicine, cultivating high-quality oral medical talents through clinical practice teaching, academic lectures,科研 training and other means,为口腔医学事业的发展储备了大量的人才资源。
科室先后荣获 “省级临床重点 specialty”,“National Advanced Collective for Oral Medicine Work” 等多项荣誉,多名专家在国内外专业学术组织中担任重要职务,在国内外学术交流中展现了科室的 high-level professional image and technical strength, enhancing the influence and reputation of the department in the field of oral medicine.
未来,我们将继续秉持以人为本的宗旨,不断追求卓越的医疗 quality and service, actively developing new technologies and treatment methods to meet the growing oral health needs of the masses, committed to creating a first-class oral medical center in the region that is trusted by patients and respected by peers. We sincerely welcome patients with oral problems to visit our department for medical treatment, and we will do our utmost to help you regain a healthy and perfect smile.